
New trial food and drink policy

We have decided to conduct a trial of a new library food and drink policy which permits covered soft drinks and cold snack food to be consumed at study desks in the main library. The rule of bottled water only will remain for the Models Lab and History Library to protect the important equipment and collections they hold.
Cups of tea/coffee with lids and soft drinks in cans/bottles will be permitted but not alcohol or open cups/glasses of any kind. Cold snack food such as fruit, nuts, sweets and biscuits will be permitted but not messy, noisy or smelly food or hot food of any kind. The spirit of the change is that you can nourish your brain while you study not for the library to be a place to come and eat. 
Please respect the library staff and cooperate if they ask you to remove food or litter as they will only be doing so in the interests of all library users.
The trial will start from now and be reviewed at the end of the Easter vacation to decide whether to continue it into the summer term or not. We would welcome any feedback, positive or negative, from library users on the trial to inform the review.
The most likely reason for the trial to fail is an increase in mess in the library. We will be providing more waste bins and would encourage you to use them and keep the library clean and tidy.
Do let us know what you think of the trial...!


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