
7-day loan books & holiday opening times

7-day loan books

As you're all aware, 7-day loan books can now be taken out for the Christmas holidays (this only happens during the Christmas vacation, so make the most of it!)

Vacation opening times

Please note that the library will close at 11AM on Friday 21st December, and reopen at 8.45AM on Wednesday 2nd January 2013.

Don't forget, you can still search databases, read e-books and renew your books using the AECC Portal.

The photograph is 'Forgotten baubles' by Sarah Barker. We thought it was rather lovely and many thanks to Sarah for allowing us to share it.

We wish you all the compliments of the season!



What does 'embargo' mean on a journal title?

Found a link to access a journal on the A-Z of Electronic Journals only to discover that you cannot access the most recent issues and wondered why?

This is usually because the publisher allows free access to older articles but has a restriction on recent articles – this restriction is called an 'embargo period' - the publisher allows free access to articles older than three, six, nine or twelve months etc. but no access to the most recent content.

It is important to read the availability dates that appear in small print next to the link to a title in order to know if a title has an embargo period.

For example (from our A-Z List of Electronic Journals) – the journal ‘Hand’ is available from three providers from 2006 to present, but includes a one year embargo, meaning the most recent 12 months of issues are not available (image below).

We hope this helps, if you have any questions about this, or accessing e-journals in general, please contact us.


Group Study Room

Have you used the Library's new Group Study Room?

Just ask at the Library desk to book it and let us know what you think of it.


New computers in the library

The IT Team worked hard over the summer to ensure that all the library computers were replaced with nice new ones with enormous monitors.

We hope you like them!


2012 Student Projects now available online

2012 Student Projects are now available online via the
Library Catalogue (login required).

To find a Project, use the advanced search and select 'Project' as the Media type.

For a more detailed guide on how to find student projects, please see the library guides intranet page (login required).

If you have any comments or questions, please let us know.


Library computer room closure

Please note that the library computer room will be closed from Monday 3rd September until Wednesday 5th September (inclusive) due to the installation of new computers by the IT Team.

Cavendish House will be open as normal.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Please note new closing times

Please note new closing times
The library will close at 7.00pm (rather than 9.00pm) from 2nd to 12th July.

We will close at 5.00pm on 13th July.


Opening hours over the Easter period 2012

The library will be closed from 5pm Thursday 5th April and will reopen at 8.45am on Tuesday 10th April.

We are not open during weekends again until Saturday 28th April. We are still open Monday-Friday (apart from the dates mentioned above) 8.45am-5pm.

Please email us if there’s anything we can help you with. Have a great Easter break. See you all at the start of term 23rd April 2012.

Mobile apps for healthcare tools

There are a growing number of healthcare tools and resources available via mobile devices, either as mobile-friendly web-based resources or mobile apps. Here is a selection that you might find helpful.

AECC Search (searches across PubMed, Index to Chiropractic Literature, MEDLINE, AMED, Alt-Health-Watch, Cochrane Library, Best Bets) - can by accessed on mobile devices, using either of the URLs below. You will need to use the username and password on the AECC Medical databases intranet page (login to the portal required) to access it: http://search.ebscohost.mobi/ http://m.ebscohost.com/.

mySearch from Bournemouth University can also be accessed via your mobile device. You will need your myBU username and password to access this.

Best Practice Support from BMJ - includes 20 free sample topics and further upgrades can be purchased. Using this app you can "check guidelines and evidence, consult expert opinion, brush up on rare conditions, and confirm that you are taking the correct course of action".

BNF (British National Formulary) - includes "key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines".

Diagnosaurus - explore symptoms and diseases, purchase required for some operating systems.

iTriage - symptom searcher.

iTriage - symptom searcher (mobile version).

Mediquations - medical calculations (purchase required).

Medscape Mobile - includes drug checker, disease reference, procedures, protocols and speciality news (US-based).

NEJM This Week - latest news & headlines from the New England Journal of Medicine.

NHS Evidence - simple search of accredited sources for healthcare related evidence.

NICE Guidance - available from the iStore and Android Market.

PubMed - search PubMed from your mobile.

Pubmed on Tap - extra functionality to support searching on PubMed.

Pubmed for Android - a range of functionality to support searching on PubMed.

Trip Database - clinical search engine, provides answers to clinical questions.

The Department of Health is also gathering a range of useful apps for both patients and staff - see Maps and Apps.

This information is up-to-date as of 30/03/2012, however this is a rapidly changing environment. The details presented here are for information purposes only and any inclusion, or exclusion, does not represent any endorsement, or not, by the library. Although some apps may be free, they may include advertising or you may be required to register - please take care to read any terms and conditions. We can not accept responsibility for the sites or apps linked to, or the information offered.

If you are aware of any healthcare-related mobile-friendly resources that you think will be useful to our students and staff then please let us know.

Thanks to Keele University Library for some of the information above.


RSS: Google Reader

Here's a little video about how to use Google Reader for your RSS feeds. Of course, there are other Readers available, just see our other blog posts on RSS for further details.

If you'd like us to set up a tutorial on how to use RSS feeds, just ask. Enjoy the video and have a great Easter vacation!


Book Returns box

Our Dear Student Union has bought the library a book returns box.

This is an 'out-of-hours' book returns box and can be used when the library closes each evening, until the library reopens the following morning.

The returns box is in the library lobby and will be opened for use when the library system is closed down in the evening, and locked when the library opens in the morning.

Library staff will remove books in the morning and return them, as if they had been returned the previous day. The only exception to this procedure will be the borrowing of Reference books issued for a 2 hour loan period, which must be returned to the library desk at the end of that loan period.

Please do make use of it and if you have any feedback please let us know.

3D Anatomy for Chiropractic: now available in AnatomyTV

3D Anatomy for Chiropractic, developed by several of the AECC Faculty, is now available within AnatomyTV.

To access this resource, visit the Medical Images intranet page, click on AnatomyTV (you will need to login with the username/password listed on that page if you are off-campus).

3D Anatomy for Chiropractic, can be found under 'Speciality titles' on the right-hand side of that webpage.