
Welcome to the AECC and welcome back!

We have selected some books for you to welcome you to the AECC, if this is your first term and to welcome you back if you are returning after the vacation:

Writing and study skills

1. 'The smarter student: skills and strategies for success at university', Kathleen Mcmillan & Jonathan Weyers, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

2. 'How to get a good degree: making the most of your time at university', Phil Race, OUP, 2007.

3. 'Understanding university: a guide to another planet', Christine Sinclair, OUP, 2006.

4.'Writing at university: a guide for students', Phyllis Creme & Mary R. Lea, OUP, 2003.

5. 'Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences', Janice Matthews & Robert Matthews, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

May be of interest to staff:

6. 'How to get a PhD: a handbook for students and their supervisors', Estelle M. Phillips & Derek S. Pugh, OUP, 2005.

7. 'Mastering your PhD: survival and success in the doctoral years and beyond', Patricia A. Gosling & Bart D. Noordam, Springer 2006.

8. 'Writing for academic journals', Rowena Murray, OUP, 2004.

For distance learners:

9. 'Studying at a distance: a guide for students', Christine J. Talbot, OUP, 2003.

All of the above books (apart from no. 5) are available as Electronic books via the Library Catalogue, if you are off campus you will need to login first. All books (but 7- 9) are held as print copies in the Library.