
Opening hours 29 March - 16 April and vacation time

The Library will be closed from Friday 2nd April - Monday 5th April 2010.

Opening hours from Tuesday 6th April to Friday 16th April are Monday - Friday only 8.45 am - 5.00 pm.

Don't forget to email us if you need us.

Have a wonderful Easter break.


What's everyone Tweeting about?

If you haven't used Twitter before and would like to learn how to, then download a great free guide on the
Lifelong Learning UK website.

The guide was created as part of a workshop given by Bryony Taylor, Policy Advisor for Technology Enhanced Learning at LLUK, and can also be found on

...and don't forget to follow us for more updates once you get going: @aecclibrary or http://twitter.com/aecclibrary


Library Survey

We are running a Library Survey to find out what you think of the Library and how we can improve it for you.

There are prizes to be won!:


1 x £50.00 Spine Centre voucher
2 x £10.00 Spine Centre vouchers!

The survey should only take a few minutes of your time and we will email the link to the survey to you. You can also access the survey via the library intranet pages (you will be prompted to login).

The survey needs to be completed by midnight on Tuesday 23rd March.

We really appreciate your time and we will summarise the feedback for you once the data is collected.

Don’t forget that voucher could be yours!


Library book giveaway

Free Library book giveaway on Wednesday 10th March, 2010 in the Library:

* doors open at 8.45am

* limit of 4 books per student!

* see you then!