
Excellent Study Skills website: LearnHigher – Excellence in Learning Development

The LearnHigher Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is a partnership of 16 Universities, led by Liverpool Hope University, committed to improving student learning through providing excellent resources to support students' learning development, and through practice-led research to inform the effective use of those resources. Their resources, in 20 Learning Areas, are freely available to all.

The Learning Areas include:
  • Academic Writing

  • Critical Thinking & Reflection

  • Doing Research

  • Group Work

  • Independent Learning

  • Information Literacy

  • Listening & Interpersonal Skills

  • Maths and Statistics

  • Oral Communication

  • Planning

  • Time Management

Resources include Web-based activities, PowerPoint presentations, downloadable PDFs etc.

There should be something there for everyone!


Easter opening hours

The Library will be closed for Easter from Friday 10th to Monday 13th April inclusive.

Vacation opening hours apply from 14th - 26th April.

Term time opening hours resume from Monday 27th April.

Have a great holiday.

Middlespot.com - a new VISUAL search engine

Middlespot.com is a great new visual search engine. It’s a fluid search engine which may not get the best results just yet (it’s run by just two guys at present) but it presents the results in a nice scrollable way.

Middlespot.com allows you to:

  • Store pages on one screen and zoom in and out of each saved page

  • Collect search results together that are from multiple searches, over any amount of time

  • Create and save your own 'workpads' of selected sites (workpads are feature rich. You can rename them to better reflect what they contain, leave a comment describing the contents of the workpad, open the entire workpad in the middlespot.com interface, and add any URL you want)

  • If you do want to share your workpads publicly on a blog or website, it is possible to do that as well

  • There are also search options for images, news, Amazon and Twitter

To learn more about using the interface, try the tutorial.

Give it a go and let us know what you think!