

Many of you have asked about the SPORTDiscus database recently. We have some good news for you - this is available for you to search via Bournemouth University (you will need your Athens username/password to search it) and it includes full text articles.

Follow this link to find it. H
ave fun, and don't forget to give us your feedback!


Year 2 workshops

Year 2 worskhops

David O'Neill and Caroline Cooke are running the Year 2 workshops over the next few weeks. The aim of the workshops is to help prepare you for writing your projects, we will cover the following subjects:
  • Medical Gateways
  • Using images and copyright
  • Evidence Based Medicine
  • How to search medical databases, particularly PubMed
  • Study skills
  • EndNote Web and Referencing
  • How to find full text articles ... and more

It will be very helpful if you can give us feedback on these tutorials, feel free to use this blog to do so if you wish. Just click on 'comments' at the end of this post and leave your feedback, we will use this to inform our planning for future tutorials. Thank you for your time.

Happy New Year and 'TRIP answers'

Happy New Year to all students and staff!

As we are all back into the swing of things we thought we'd let you know about a high quality, new, free database:

TRIP answers is a "repository of clinical questions and answers drawn from a wide number of sources around the world and builds on TRIP’s ten years experience of answering clinical questions. Ultimately, we want to create a resource where clinicians can easily find answers to their question and, who knows, create a clinical Q&A ‘space’ where users can share their own Q&As."

TRIP answers has a very useful tag cloud to help you search for the subject you are interested in. Why not try it out and let us know what you think of it?